Reviews Hondrox

  • Kristian
    I liked the product, it works quickly, the effect is immediate. At the same time I splashed on my back, and sometimes my lower back hurt. From the back, he also helped a lot. I ordered hondrox on the site, delivered very quickly.
  • Renate
    I am very pleased with the spray Hondrox. I used a month to restore the wrist - the pain went away immediately, literally from the first application. I also ordered several bottles for my mother, such a remedy must be in every first-aid kit.
  • Stephan
    After a month of using the spray, Hondrox forgot about joint pain. The examination showed that the damaged cartilage had almost recovered. I will continue to use the spray until I fully recover.
  • Monika
    I had an accident, severely injured my leg, the pain persisted for more than two years. I bought Hondrox and completely got rid of discomfort in two weeks. Very good spray, I recommend.
  • Jutta
    I bought it on the recommendation of a doctor, a very good remedy and is inexpensive. I liked the effect: Hondrox perfectly relieves pain, at the same time takes care of the skin. I am treating the hip joint after an injury, now only in the middle of the course, but it has already become easier to walk and the pain has completely disappeared.
Rating Hondrox